Flowers for our Faithful is a yearly remembrance for those who have been laid to rest in our community.  On each of the three Saturday of Souls that take place in the two weeks before and the first week of Lent we spend time making small bouquets and preparing to go to the various area cemeteries.  At each Father Matthew leads those who have gathered in a trisagion and our youth go out with those who have gathered to lay flowers.  While this tradition is only in its second year, our community hopes to make it a lasting tradition and wonderful way to be able to tell stories about our loved ones and community members who are in the church triumphant.  If you have a loved one buried in Mobile or Baldwin county and are a member of the Orthodox community we would love to add them to our remembrance. 

Father Matthew's words about the program can be read here.   

A Google Form to add all of your information can be found here

Finally, if you would like to send a prayer list for the Saturday of Souls one can be downloaded here